Proficiency+ employs Cognisco's situational judgement tests (SJTs) to evaluate an employees' ability to make appropriate decisions or judgements in work-related scenarios in order to deliver good customer outcomes.

What you need to know

Key benefits of Proficiency+

  • Identify the areas in which training should be prioritised to create the biggest return on investment
  • Demonstrate to the FCA that your firm is actively investing in the necessary skills to drive good customer outcomes
  • Measure and enhance the influence of training on employees
  • It is designed specifically for Financial Planners, Advisors and Para Planners of all levels of experience

"The Duty sets a higher expectation for the standard of care that firms give customers. For many firms, this will require a significant shift in both culture and behaviour."

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Evidencing compliance

Drive action, evidence competence and minimise risk

The FCA is clear that it expects firms to ensure their board or equivalent governing body takes full responsibility for ensuring that the Consumer Duty is properly embedded within the firm. Firms must also consider their record keeping obligations. The ability to evidence compliance with the Consumer Duty to the FCA is going to be crucial, which is where Cognisco can help.

Proficiency+ optimises your understanding of the capability and confidence of your people, enabling you to manage, maintain and evidence competency and compliance, while also effectively reducing risk.

Identifying competence and risk scenarios can help prevent serious breaches with complying with the new act, ensure consumers are having improved outcomes and avoid legal action
Cognisco benchmarks show that in excess of 30% of any workforce has been misinformed, misunderstands or misinterprets information, guidelines or codes of conduct while being 100% confident they are acting correctly.
Identifying where competence gaps exist enabling appropriate, relevant targeted interventions at an individual and organisational level

Proficiency+ Diagnostic Tool

Gain visibility of competence across your workforce

Have you identified any potential gaps or weaknesses in your training and competence and developed a plan to remedy this? We can show you where to focus your training, improve your procedures and ensure you have the MI to show processes are in place, are working and being appraised.

Try the diagnostic tool out yourself - use the demo to take a mock test that will evaluate your competence levels through a series of work-based scenarios and provide you with a sample report, giving actionable insights into strengths and areas for improvement.

Working with Enterprise Organisations

25 Years of Evidencing Competence

Cognisco are global leaders in business-critical competency management with 25 years of experience helping organisations who work in highly complex and regulated environments.

Since 1998 Cognisco has worked with some of the world's leading financial services organisations including HSBC, Barclays, Lloyds and Natwest Banking Group.

Learn about Cognisco

Schedule a discussion

Talk to us about how we can help you be prepared for the Consumer Duty act

We are confident that utilising our assessment and the MyKnow 365 platform will transform the way your organisation manages workforce competency and complies with the new Consumer Duty act.

Tell us about your current challenges so we can help you to minimise risk and be ready.

We are trusted by some of the world’s largest brands, government bodies and senior leaders.

  • CBRE" title="CBRE
  • The University of Sheffield" title="The University of Sheffield
  • NHS" title="NHS
  • Eurostar" title="Eurostar
  • Chartered Management Institute" title="Chartered Management Institute
  • Anglian Water" title="Anglian Water
  • Network Rail" title="Network Rail
  • Transport for London" title="Transport for London
  • National Grid" title="National Grid
  • Crown Commercial Service Supplier" title="Crown Commercial Service Supplier
  • KPMG" title="KPMG